If your company uses Single-Sign-On (SSO) through an Identity Provider (e.g., Okta, PingIdentity, etc.), the following steps will not work.
To reset your password:
- Go to the BetterUp mobile app or app.betterup.co
- Click Forgot your password?
- Enter your email address and click Request reset link
- If your email address exists in our database, you will receive a password recovery link in your email. Locate the email and click Change my password
- Enter and confirm your new password and click Change my password to save your new password
If you did not receive the password recovery link, we recommend checking your spam folder, as these emails can filter there.
After 6 failed login attempts, your account will be locked. Please see Account Lockouts for the steps on how to unlock your account.
If you are still unable to reset your password, please contact support.